See the Little People…An Enchanting Adventure and The Little People Journey into the Mystic Sea are available in E-book to download as a PDF from this store. With over 70 paintings made into illustrations, their vibrant colors bring much meaning to each story as they unfold. We also have available See the Little People…An Enchanting Adventure audiobook ready to download as well. For more information click here to find out from our blog post!

My books are meant to inspire children to find within them their own power, to stand up for what they believe in in the face of adversity. They start out with an introduction of the elemental kingdoms and then continue on into a magical adventure! With the hope of awakening their memory of who they really are, they may open up to the awareness of cause and effect in their lives, that they are the creators of their own realities. Through fun and fantasy, I only wish that my characters touch a magical place within, leaving a sense of Joy and positivity about life to all who read them. Both books are part of a series that can be read individually for ages 8 and up! Adults can get a lot out of them too!

Note: See the Little People…An Enchanting Adventure is the new title transitioning from Meet the Little People…An Enchanting Adventure. You may receive the copies of either/or until the transition is complete. The story has not changed, just one title word.

Reading along while you listen and seeing visuals is the best way to absorb the contents of the story and enhance the imagination!

Digital are in store Now click here!


You may also find my E-book in Epub and Moby versions and/or on audio as well, on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and

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