Add Your images to a slider with Flexslider Shortcode.
[flexslider] [slide]image link[/slide] [slide]image link[/slide] [slide]image link[/slide] [/flexslider]
Progress Bar
Percent: between 0-100.
Name: the name of the skill.
Color: you can add custom color.
[progress name="Books" percent="60"] [progress name="Statues" percent="70"] [progress name="Drawings" percent="80"] [progress name="Paintings" percent="90"]
Progress Group
Percent: between 0-100.
Name: the name of the skill.
Color: you can add custom color.
[progress_group] [progress name="Books" percent="60"] [progress name="Statues" percent="70"] [progress name="Drawings" percent="80"] [progress name="Paintings" percent="90"] [/progress_group]
Image Box
Image: URL of the image.
Name: the name under the image.
Link: add URL if You want.
[imagebox name="First Image" image="image link" link="http://webzakt.com"] Per salutandi aliquando te, magna tritani ocurreret an qui, purto propriae eos at. Nostro mediocrem vim ex, cum in assum equidem perpetua. [/imagebox]
Second Image
Per salutandi aliquando te, magna tritani ocurreret an qui, purto propriae eos at. Nostro mediocrem vim ex, cum in assum equidem perpetua.
Third Image
Per salutandi aliquando te, magna tritani ocurreret an qui, purto propriae eos at. Nostro mediocrem vim ex, cum in assum equidem perpetua.