
I received cards and letters that I cherish; I can only say again, what I can offer is only a reflection of our inner Self, to understand who we really are. It never ceases to surprise me what comes through. I learn about my-Self every time I tap into you. My love and gratitude to you.

I thank you for everything, and enlightening my soul to what is not visible. After enduring such a heart-wrenching, mentally draining ordeal several years ago -I have always felt surrounded, by someone or something. When you revealed that I had multiple guides-this was a profound moment for me, as this was the affirmation my heart needed to begin my personal journey of spiritual healing. The information you revealed to me through your channeling was very near and dear to my heart, – things I have never openly shared with anyone. I have no doubt that you have such a valuable gift; Not only for you, but for EVERY person’s life you touch.
Thank you so much for the reading you provided me last month. I was truly blown away from the information you channeled about me, my family and the events of my past and future.

Hey Chrissy the site looks great,just want to thank u again for setting me on the path of the spiritual world.I’ll never be the same,hope thats good.And of course the masterpiece painting i will have for-ever.thanks again keep going,love KK

Chrissy, I just wanted to say thank you for all of your great insite in the meditational reading you gave to me about my mother and the two other guardians I have. There has been more about my Mom lately too, and I can feel her around me. I think I am a new soul, or not an old soul, but I feel callings for me of places I should be in particular. Your telling me about an older lady watching over me is my Mom. Your insite and feelings are a talent that not everyone can have. I also feel comforted in knowing I have the two guardian angels by me, and I know I have been protected and detained many times bythem for good reasons. You enlighten people, you’ve enlightened me and I wish to come back on more occasions to ask you questions. Thank you for your guidance and enlightenment and knowing you are there. Oh, yes, I have been asking them for their guidance in one particular situation, and twice they have answered. I don’t know why, but I am certain there are good reasons. Love, Suzie

Chris ~ Over the years you have helped me little by little. I am amazed by your connection to your spirit guides and to the messages mine have been able to give you, which I am unable to receive. Thank you for the beautiful reading. What you guided me in, is something I have deeply faultered and I know more now that I need to continue my spiritual journey. Of course, I hope that it will lead me to true love, be it with my current beloved or otherwise. It’s hard sometimes to make the realization that “it’s not you, it’s me”…but it really is me. I keep laughing a little at the song you pointed out…it really does embody who I am, and I never thought of it before. Thank you. You have a beautiful soul!

Thank you
You are truly a gift to us.
I am cynical, shrewd, and skeptical of many things in life- particularly with those claiming to be in touch with the energy that surrounds us. I have absolutely no doubts that you have an amazing and truly unique gift that will only serve to benefit and bless the people around you. I look forward to seeing the changes you create in the world around you and to see how you evolve and grow in your work.
I am continuously in debt to you and your work. I have seen readings you have completed for my sister, my mother, and myself- all of which you have somehow managed to center on the core of each of us, providing counsel and guidance in times of need. I have seen the coincidences and the help you have given my mother and sister, but I speak mostly for myself. You knew things I have never had the courage to share or express with anyone else. You advised me to be introspective and still in my busiest hour. You reminded me of what motivates me most in life.
Fiona Shepherd

Hi Christine! Thanks- that was so right on- I have been thinking about Reike healing and just bought a book on it on last Sunday! Was just starting to read it last night…so maybe I’m on the right track after all. Keep up the strong work! Appreciate your time and insight. k (Not sure what the machine is all about yet but who knows what will be revealed…) I am encouraged by your words. Love Kathy

WOW! So much of what you said fits into my past and present. I mean I can’t explain to you what……ummm….. I can only say you have touched me in a deep place inside myself. There is so much truth in your words. It is hard for me to express myself at this moment. Anyway when I can get my thoughts straight I will tell you of some of the things you have said. Some of my experiences you were speaking of. Thank you Chris. I really needed to hear these things. I am in my spiritual place again. My dragons sleep….Sweetest blessings to you Chris, Edward

”your probably sick of hearing from me! first off i want to tell you that MG LOVED her spirit art, i let her read it alone like you said and when i came back to the room she was in tears. she felt so moved and i asked her if she could feel him with her and she told me she definatly felt something. but again, she loved it very very much.” second. my mother now wants to get one done! AE


Your spirit art work is great and moving. You have a great gift and the words you say in your letters are so spirtual and full of energy. you have a great web site. Anna

You are truly gifted and every reading you give me is dead on. The channeled information you get never ceases to amaze me. Keep up the good work my soul sister!
Anne W

Just a word….
I just wanted to take the time to share with any and everyone who will visit this website or send others to visit the site how truly amazing and gifted you are Chris. The two readings you’ve done for me have been nothing short of amazing! The last reading left me in more awe of your gift as you spoke about my husband like the two of you had the same conversation that he and I have been having for quite some time. Without ever meeting or speaking to him, you truly spoke about something that only he and I know that he ponders over constantly. You said that maybe you were tapping into his gift and you were! I think you’re an AWESOME person and I’m so glad that you’ve come into my life. I know for sure that you’ll never be able to get rid of me :)!

I know I’ve told you this time and time again but you’re amazing and I feel that the best is yet to come for you!
So, as I eluded to in my initial guestbook entry, you gave me a reading and spoke about my husband whom you’ve never met. The night that I received it and read it aloud to him, we both were speechless at how spot on you were and feeling his gift. He’s been in the Social Services field for about 10 years working with at-risk youth. For quite sometime, he’s felt discontent but acknowledged that he thoroughly enjoys the work that he does. He’s struggled to identify if there is something else that he should be doing or to continue the work he’s practiced for so long. It just so happened that around the time you were receiving this feeling this information about him, some changes were happening at his current place of employment and another opportunity kind of fell into his lap. It is kind of scary how you were able to receive all of this about him without ever truly laying eyes on or speaking 1 word to him. He was offered the new position, which is closer to home and a slight pay increase so a double bonus!

Chris, you are a gifted healer and artist. You are very in tune with your environment and your readings are always spot on. You are very wise and intuitive and generous in that you share everything you know and learn with your friends and family! I believe so strongly in the power of thought because of you and it has changed my life in such a positive way! I feel lucky to have your friendship! Love ya Jemima! 🙂 ~Erika (aka mini me)

Thank you Chris for the wonderful reading. It has given me much clarity and insight to my purpose. My heart and mind has opened up to the many gifts this life has blessed me with. I have noticed change in my life and being able to discern more of what I learn constantly. The reading has filled in many holes to what I have experienced throughout my life, all of the pieces are coming together. Knowing who my guides are makes so much sense now. You are truly gifted, the effort and love you create with your work is wonderful. Peace and Love~K

Thank you for the reading!!! You true have a GIFT! Just SO AMAZING! I’m speechless and I’m so glad I tried out and shocked me…and I’ve started believe what out there. Also I read my sister’s and my mom’s readings. Just amaze me! I’m definetly spread out word to my friends and family. You made everyone happy and feel good! I’m definetly looking forward to use you again..
Lynsey Shepherd

I have intended to post my reaction to the reading you did for me for over 2 months now. The “chaos” you predicted came fast and furious, soon after!Now that I have made the time, I still am not sure of the best way to express what it has meant to me.
I’ll begin with my shock at how extremely accurate you were regarding my recent “positive” changes and choices. It’s true that for the first time in my life, I have made major changes in myself for the better! It was so obvious this was coming through to you! The affirmation that I’m heading in the right direction and have guidance is encouraging.
Before this I honestly was very uncertain about spirits and what happens after death, or if communication was possible between us and the spirit world. I now have very strong conviction that there is that connection. That we give while living and continue to give after we leave the earth.
Probably the most profound part of the reading was when my grandfather came through. The fact that out of all of my loved ones that have passed on, my Grandfather, who I lost 4 months prior to your reading and the dearest, most influential person in my life, and whom I was still grieving, came through and spoke to me just as he did when he was here on earth, was amazing! Specifically what he said about his feelings about my relationship with my mother, neither of which you have met or know about. The fact that you saw him “standing tall” in what looked like a “baseball uniform?” He was not a tall man, but those were the best years of his life when he wore his dark blue pants and pin-striped shirt while he managed and operated a gas/service station, everyday for 30+ years!! And when he stated that he was happy and had “no more old hands!” You observed that “loved to work with his hands”. Chris he was a mechanic his entire life!! He repaired trains for years before he spent another 30 working on cars, trucks, vans and busses with his hands. He created christmas decorations out of salvaged metal.
Also doll furniture and toys for his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren out of wood, tissue paper, nails, paper clips and tape. Whatever he could manipulate with his hands! Chris I’m crying as I write this. You “saw” me holding his elderly hands and heard him telling me that he always felt my love. The very last time I saw him I walked over to his bed and took his hands and held them and told him “I hope you know how much I’ve loved you.” He wasn’t able to tell me then, but I now have my answer.I have gained more peace with knowing I am not alone and also knowing that life here as we know it, is not the “END.” It’s most comforting to know that my family that has passed on have reunited and are well. Thank you so much Chris!! Your gift has blessed me. Sincerely, Lisa

Higher Energy Spirit Art