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Warrior Horse Dance Stick

Warriors carve these dance sticks in memory of their horse that went down in battle. A sacred tribute to horses now as well.  You may suggest the basic color of the horse. The horse was a important part of the Native warriors life , when the favorite horse was lost during or after a battle a warrior would honor that hose by carving an effigy of it and use the dance stick to tell the exploits of the battles they were in together. The symbols painted on each horse tell a story and is a replica of then living horse . A certificate of Authenticity is included with this item, this unique design is patterned after a horse stick that I saw at a museum many years ago.  Carvings are pictured here, though may vary slightly as all art pieces are original. Painted with acrylic and sealed. Adorned with a shield, genuine horse hair and glass crow beads. Makes a terrific wall hanging for those who do not dance or as a collectors item. Soft solid wood, 6″W x 19″L and 1″ thick.  Custom order. approx. 10 days. $120, shipping not included. Email us!


This is a sold example of a “Spirit Horse.”



  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “spam”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “website..” in “comment_content” *]
    Would love to order a custom warrior horse dance stick, similar to the appaloosa style featured at the top of the page on your website… maybe with a bear print on the shield and red lightning bolts down the front legs?

    1. Diane,
      I cannot believe I just found your post. For some reason it went into our spam. This is an extremely late response and we are not making the dance sticks until we get our studio back up and running..we moved so my hubby is only doing beadwork right now. Please forgive me for missing your post…you can always email us. Blessings..and great idea for the paint on the horse.

    1. Hello Mary, Yes Kerwin still makes them, however, he does not have any cut out. He said he will be able to do this if you are interested in him custom making one for you? Just respond and let us know.

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